Fall/Winter Edition/2004 No.35
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"Fan Getaway" to exotic destination is discussed

Sh-Boom is exploring a location & date for their next fan getaway. Past destinations have included Memphis, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, as well as two Caribbean cruises. If you're interested in going along, let us know WHERE you'd like to go. Send an email to sh-boom@sh-boom.com. We'll keep you informed of future travel plans. Future announcements will be made first on this website. You can view travel logs and photo's from previous Sh-Boom trips here.
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The Renaissance Airport Hotel
9801 Natural Bridge Rd. - Bridgeton, MO

$320 per couple (plus tax) includes the following:

Overnight accommodations
Unlimited cocktails (6:00 p.m.-Midnight)
Hors d'oeuvres reception (6:00-7:00 p.m.)
3 course dinner w/ a fabulous dessert (7:00 p.m.)
Music exclusively by SH-BOOM (8:30 p.m.)
Party favors
Champagne toast & balloon drop (Midnight)
Breakfast Buffet on New Years Day (9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

For a sneak peek at the DINNER MENU click here.
For reservations or more info' call (314)429-1100
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Ex-Sh-Boom Drummer joins Stones "Tribute Band"

Former Sh-Boom drummer, Mike Watermann, recently landed a job as the drummer for the Unauthorized Rolling Stones (URS). The URS is a "tribute band", meaning the band members' appearance and sound is very similar to the band they emulate. Mike doesn't think he looks too much like Stones’ drummer, Charlie Watts, but he’s been a Rolling Stones fan all of his life. “I’ve always admired Charlie’s style and I’ve played some Stones songs with different bands over the years,” Mike said. “This was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up,” he continued, “I love the raw, loose feeling their music has.”

The Unauthorized Rolling Stones play in and around the San Francisco Bay area. However, this summer the band has also performed in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Reno, and Denver.

Mike and his family now reside in the Santa Rosa, California area, where Mike is Assistant Program Director and Afternoon DJ for KVRV radio (97.7, The River), a classic rock station. Mike was Sh-Boom's drummer from 1983 to 2002, and a 26-year veteran of St. Louis radio stations.  
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Sh-Boom Gossip and Gab...and other observations by Heartthrob Rob.

One of proper social standing realizes the importance of being seen at the right social events, soirees, dinner parties, and the like. There are certain advantages to being part of the inner circle, and on occasion, one might even expect small favors from others of similar ilk. It never hurts, for instance, to have good friends in the field of health care, so...Sh-Boom accepted an invite to perform for the doctors of Pekin Hospital at the Par-A-Dice Resort in Peoria, IL, as well as the Kansas City Medical Group at Chateau-on-the-Lake in Branson, MO.

Even the best doctors, however, have been known to make mistakes, which is why Sh-Boom was pleased to perform for both the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys at Lodge of Four Seasons, as well as the National Association of Professional Process Servers in downtown St. Louis.

Of course, even the best doctors & lawyers can't fix everything and so, with that in mind, the entrepreneurial Sh-Boom boys covered one more base by entertaining a lively crowd of the Missouri Funeral Directors Association. "All is well that ends well!" so they say.

Legendary Cardinals' baseball skipper, Whitey Herzog , was spotted at a recent Sh-Boom dance in Columbia, IL. The White Rat discussed baseball and shared a few humorous (and colorful) stories with the band backstage between sets. In addition, former Stanford College and NFL Defensive End (for the Chargers and Eagles), Pete Lazetich, sang "It's Only Make Believe" and played harmonica with the band at the afore mentioned NAPPS convention.

Sh-Boom's personal aerial photographer, Steve Stelzer, snapped aerial shots of the Sh-Boom's 4th of July performance at Ellisville's Bluebird Park. Steve's helicopter could be seen in the sky just prior to the spectacular fireworks display. An estimated 30,000 people made it into the park at the peak of the evening. Thanks to "Eye in the Sky Aerial Photography". 

Former United States INS Commissioner, Gene McNary, and his wife, Susan, enjoyed a July Sh-Boom concert at Olivette's Stacy Park. Mr. McNary was spotted in the audience by Elvis while he was entertaining the crowd. Elvis took the opportunity to introduce Gene to the crowd, and to provide his endorsement as the Republican candidate for St. Louis County Executive. The King of Rock 'n' Roll acknowledged that he had indeed voted for Gene...via absentee ballot...and that's no joke!

Don't forget to contact Sh-Boom at (314)487-4266 or via sh-boom@sh-boom.com to book the band for your next social event so you too can be part of the "in-crowd". And, oh yes, Paris and Nicky send their love.

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